First off I want to Welcome any new readers or followers I may have. Thank you for stopping by. Make sure to stay a while and have a look around. I want to thank all of my followers for your support, for the comments, for reading and just for being so sweet. I love all the emails and interactions I am able to get through this blog. And I love to share with you what I create and my life experiences. Now onto today's fun tutorial.
Keepin the Valentine theme going I am going to share how I made this super easy Chevron Board. It is the perfect backdrop for your Valentine decor and can be used throughout the year in various places. I think after Valentine's day I am going to put it in my Red kitchen :)
Supplies you Will Need:
-Rectangle or square piece of wood mine is about 1 1/2 feet by 2 feet (I got mine at Home Depot in the discount wood section for only $2 already cut)-Texture cream (I got mine from the wood connection)
-An old textured rag
-Craft paint (I used brow, white and Red)
-Painters tape
-Xacto Knife
-Sand paper
How I made it:
1. First I wanted to put on the texture cream all over the board like I did HERE and HERE so that when I sand it down at the end it will give it the worn, antique look that I was going for. You are just going to dip your rag into the cream and rub it all over the top of the board
2. Once it is all dry, you are going to paint your whole board brown. This is your base coat and will show through the second coat when you sand it down at the end. Again I like this for the antique affect
3. Then you are going to paint the whole board white over top the dried brown paint. I did a couple coats of the white making sure it was a nice bright white covering all the brown underneath
4. This is where it got a little bit tricky but there are three different options you can do here and I will try to explain them the best I can so that you can pick which ever one is easier for you.
-The first option to get your chevron lines is you can do what I did and cut out a chevron pattern in the size that you want. You can either print off the pattern from online and then cut it out or you can cut it out from your craft cutter. Then once you have your pattern you will trace it onto your board doing one line at a time and just starting the next line right at the bottom of the previous line. (This is the option I did)
-Another option you can do is you will measure out a grid. You will do horizontal lines every 5 inches and then do vertical lines every 5 inches and then you will draw your zig zag chevron pattern by using the square grid
-Or you can use your craft cutter and cut out a chevron pattern onto vinyl and use the vinyl instead of the painters tape.
5. I did option one because my electronic cutter was not wanting to cut the vinyl due to a dull blade so I cut out the pattern onto card stock and then traced it on myself and it didn't take very long at all. If you are doing option one or two you will need to get out the painters tape next and you are going to follow your traced chevron placing the painters tap down in the pattern.
6. Then you will take your xacto knife and you will clean up the painters tape lines so they are nice clean lines to follow while you paint.
7. Once all your painters tape is looking like the picture two above you are going to take your red paint (or whatever color you choose) and paint over the whole things again. This will paint red chevron and where the painters tape is in place it will leave those white.
8. I did 2 coats of paint letting it dry completely between each coat. Once it is all dry you are going to peel off your tape or your vinyl and it will look like the above picture. Don't worry if your paint bleeds a little and it doesn't look perfect because when we and it down it will just add to the character and make it look antiqued.
9. The last step is sanding. You are going to go over the whole thing just sanding away until you get the look you are going for. When you and it down the brown will show through the white areas and the white will show through the red areas. I also sanded all the edges.
I love the old look and character the sanding gave to the back drop.
And the last thing you are going to want to do is find the perfect place for it either for your Valentines mantel, decor or for a wall hanging. Just find the best place in your home for it and it is the perfect statement piece that can go just about anywhere.
My Chevron Board Backdrop is Linked up HERE
If you have any questions about this project and tutorial
feel free to leave a comment or email me at
and I will answer you as soon as I can
Thank you so much for all of your support, for reading and for following.
Make sure to check out my other Valentines Projects: Wooden {Love} Letters and Easy Paper Straw Wreath you will not want to miss them. And yes there are even more V-day projects coming your way.