Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Versatile Blogger

I received the Versatile Blogger Award! 
I'm so excited!
Seriously I feel so honored that little ol' me got this award

The rules of accepting the award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.

Thank you, Blissful and Domestic. This totally made my week!
I just found your blog a couple weeks ago through a link party and love it
I have been following
and am so honored that you chose me for this award
Thank you!

Her blog is so cute
I am hooked
check it out

2. Tell 7 things about yourself.

This is hard I don't know what ya'll want to know about me...

1. I honestly love to exercise. I love how it makes me feel
Running in particular
I am training for my first half marathon that will hopefully happen this summer
Also in the exercise category Me and Ty are obsessed with
Biggest Loser
I want to train with bob some day

2. I love lists. I make lists for everything
I will sometimes write something down that I already accomplished that day
just so I can cross it off

3. I recently found a love for crafting and creating
I am still learning
and there is a lot of trial and error
But it is fun
I will be redoing our master bedroom soon
wish me luck I'm excited but nervous
I just want to love it ya know

4. I have 7 siblings
3 sister and 4 brothers
I love my big family
I wouldn't have it any other way
They are some of my best friends

5. The hubby was in the "best friend zone" (his words)
for nine months before I
realized I was in love with him and
completely crazy about him in more than a best friend way
Although he was the best friend ever
Probably cuz he was in love with me haha
He still is my best friend (but much more ;) )
and always will be
we have been married for 3 1/3 years and
have the sweetest little babe Maddux

6. I love country music
I discovered this love in high school
My current favorite movie is Country strong
I even got my own copy of it for Mothers Day
so I can watch in over and over again
Sometimes I wish I was a real cowgirl
but for now I just pretend with my cute cowboy boots

7. I went to school to be a PE and health teacher
I am graduated and have passed the PRAXIS exam
All I have left to do is my student teaching
which will hopefully be this fall
and I will be a licensed teacher
Although being a SAHM is my dream job
And LOVE it
I wanted a degree for when my kids are in school one day

3.  Pay it forward and award the Versatile Blogger to 15 recently discovered new bloggers.

Here are some awesome blogs that I have found recently...some a few days ago and some a few months ago

Sheena @ Life in My Heels-
She is a doll I just found her blog this week and am hooked
She has cute short hair that I like to copy
Adorable clothes
and is very creative

Ash and Roz @ Trulie Scrumptious
They girls are the cutest
They talk about everything and have some yummy recipes
They also were so nice to have me as a guest blogger on their fitness week

Adamson Sisters @ Six Sister's Stuff
I know Elyse one of the sisters behind this cute blog
Ok they have the yummiest looking desserts I have ever seen
Such good ideas of Visiting teaching and so much more

Sadie @ Simply Sadie Jane
I have been following Sadie for a couple months
She is such a cute mom, creator and designer
Make sure to check out her anthropology bedding knock off
It will shock you
It is on my to do list for my bedroom makeover

Kelli @ A Little Bit of Everything
Kelli is a friend of mine
She is very creative
She also has a lot of yummy recipes

Abby @ My Yellow Sandbox
I went to high school with Abby but
didn't really get to  know her until the whole blogging world
She is adorable
Her blog is awesome cuz she does the searching for you
Also she is doing a 30 day hair challenge that you have to check out like now!

Laura & others @ Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
I found this blog through a round about way blog stocking
Don't judge we all do it
They have a lot of fun sewing ideas
And lots of crafts
It is a group of ladies and it is fun to see what they post next

Suzy @ Joy is At Home
I found her blog through a link party
she commented on my post
She is a doll
She is getting married and has tons of cute ideas for weddings, planning
and other fun crafts

Savannah @ Chasing Noah
I Love this girl
seriously I think of her as one of my bloggy friends
and if we lived in the same state we would totally hang out
Her blog is awesome
Its about being a mom and being creative

Lindsay @ Southern Lovely
 Another one I found through a link party
Small work too I found out she knows my sister in law
Anyway I love her design
her home is beautiful and I have pinned a lot of her ideas to do
in my future home one day

Gillian @ Kevin and Gillian
This girl is an inspiration
She also does hair
But really she is just so real
Her story is addicting
You want to know more about her and how she is doing
Meeting her in person was a blast

Lyssa @ Born Again Crafter
She is such a sweetheart
She has left the cutest comments on my blog
And she just seems like one of those you want to be around
She is so creative
and I love her projects

Lindsay @ Bobby-Linsday-Boston
I found this blog this week through
Trulie Scrumptious fitness week
She was another guest blogger
She is adorable
Her story is amazing
And she inspires me
Thank you lindsey

Ashley and Rachel @ Peace Love Fitness
Like I said I love me some fitness
ad I am always looking for other tips and
This blog is really fun to keep up on

Ashley @ Divorced at 20
I was actually really excited when I found this blog
Because she inspires me
makes me want to be a better person
She is amazing
go read her story

I hope you enjoyed my little bits about me
and make sure to check out all the links
Thanks for reading



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