So my birthday was more like a birthday weekend because well, it was on a Sunday and we wanted to be able to go out so we also celebrated the day before. I am spoiled, but I am not complaining. And I am all about birthday weeks. Ever since I was little I have celebrated my birthday week, and now that I have a family of my own we all get birthday weeks. It is safe t say I am obsessed with birthdays.
It was a fantastic birthday.
See for yourself the pictures say it all!
Saturday morning my three boys took me to breakfast to kneaders. I threw on a hoodie, some leggings, a beanie and boots, the boys stayed in their PJs and we were off to a morning together. We have been talking about going to try their french toast for forever and I am so glad we finally did. It was amazing. If you haven't tried their breakfast you have to go!!!
When I saw this caramel at kneaders I simply just had to have it and oh my it was as amazing as it looks. It was totally homemade goodness.
After Breakfast I had no clue what was coming next. Ty told me we would be spending the morning with the boys and then the rest of the day would be just the two of us. He arranged babysitters and kept the rest of the day a surprise. When we got home we all got ready for the day, and the whole time i was trying to figure out what we could be doing. I love to be surprised, but i try to figure it out. I did not figure this one out though. We left the house and about 30 minutes later my surprise, one on one time, day to night date was right in front of me. He took me to Lagoon! lol I was so excited. We have never been just the two of us and it was a blast! I felt like young and freshly in love teenagers again. Holding hands, talking about everything in the world, laughing, snuggling, riding rides, eating park food and just plan having fun together.
It was especially fun and exciting because we were there during frightmares and if you know me at all you know how much I love all things Halloween and all things October! The decor through out the park was so fun.
Just doing a little birthday kick no big deal.
We are fun like that
Ok so funny story, like I said we were there during frightmares right, well during this time at dark they open up some haunted houses. I love Halloween, but I hate haunted houses, but I told Ty I would go with him and I knew he wanted to. We walked past the zombie one and since I have been watching walking dead and loving it and world war Z we thought that would be a fun one to go to. Well lets just say I didn't even make it 20 minutes in line let alone set foot in that haunted house. Lets also just say that I may or may not have ran from one of the zombies, yes ran, like they are real, what the heck I was so scared, and then when it proceeded to follow me I ran faster and hid behind a bush. Yes oh my gosh I did just run from a fake zombie scared out of my mind, past a whole line of people as an adult women. Oh my heck I was so embarrassed and genuinely freaked out. Moral of the story I was way more freaked out of zombies because of my love affair of walking dead it just seemed too real.
After we went on a few more rides I got the courage to maybe try out a different haunted house. And I actually made it through. Although I giggled through out the entire thing because I was so freaked out and so nervous. Such a fun and crazy day and night with my hubby! It was perfect.
After we picked up the kids and put them to bed, Ty surprised me again with a cupcake, some other treats and one of my presents at midnight! Since it was then officially my birthday. It is kinda a tradition we have for each other, so we are the first to wish each other a happy birthday on the actual day.
To wind down we ate our cupcakes, some caramel corn and a coke while we watched some breaking bad.
Sunday was my actual birthday, which was super relaxing, fun and spent with my sweet family. I woke up to some breakfast in bed and my sweet boys singing to me and wishing me a happy birthday.
After church I got my much needed Sunday birthday nap, while the boys napped, and it was amazing. I don't know what it was but it was one of the best naps I have had in a long time.
I woke up to a yummy meal prepared by my hubby and mother and law and some family to share it all with. It was delicious and well thought out with a lot of my favorite foods. We had teriyaki pork tenderloin, cheesy potatoes, green beans, and rolls. The best part was I didn't have to cook it or clean it up and it tasted so good. Then I was completely spoiled with desserts which included a cake made by Ty, a smore cheesecake, ice cream and almond joy cookies. I had a whole plateful, was completely in heaven, and didn't even care about the calories because a. it was yummy 2. it was my birthday 3. you only live once and 4. I would just work it all off in my crossfit workout on Monday {which I did}.
We may have even had a little airplane ride session. We like to party what can I say.
and took rides in mommy's new cart
After my in laws and brothers left we were left just us four and it was so perfect. We played a little game of chutes and ladders and then cuddled on the coach to watch the new little toy story special we had recorded. Bedtime was the normal routine of prayer, story time and then Mommy's singing time, then lastly kisses and being tucked in, but that nights seemed extra special. I couldn't get over how grateful I was for my little guys and how much I loved them.
After the boys were in bed, Ty, my brother Chris and I watched the new walking dead episode and I got some good snuggles with my man. Perfect birthday!
I just loved spending this day with my sweet boys. The best part of this weekend was Maddux saying "happy birthday mommy," over and over again in his sweet voice and Holden's smiles just melting my heart. Such a great birthday! Feeling blessed and so grateful. Thank you for all the birthday calls, notes on facebook and texts. I am so lucky to have you all in my life.
Make sure to tune into Studio 5 today at 1:00 on KSL 5 to watch my new Ikea plus ten segment!And come back tomorrow for some of the step by step tutorials. You don't want to miss it.
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