Welcome back to our How to paint/refinish furniture class! To catch Part one of this series GO HERE. Part one is an intro to me, the class, why I started painting furniture, and all about how you can do it too. Its a good one check it out before you go on.
So now that we all know we can do this thang and are excited about it lets make a few decisions before we go shopping for our supplies. First up...Should you spray or roll on? Such a common questions and really the main answer for this is which ever one you feel the most confident in doing. A few other guidelines of which to pick are on the slide above. I prefer to roll on but I will spray sometimes if it is a smaller piece with a lot of detail. I am usually way too impatient for spray paint and that is when you get the runs on your furniture...so frustrating. But some people love to spray. So I suggest to work on a much smaller piece first, or even a wood frame to see what you prefer.
While we are on the subject of paint, I have a few tips for both kinds. Get your spray paint at Walmart or a hardware store...they are half the price of craft stores, and have great colors. While getting roll on paint I like to get the indoor semi gloss. Also if you are doing smaller pieces get the paint samples they are only $2.50-$3 and cover so much more then you would think. Also look in the mis-tint pile at your paint stores and hardware stores. These are paints that got mixed wrong and they sell them for much less usually 50% off.
Now that you have decided what type of paint to use what style are you going for? Do you want it a solid color, do you want it to look rustic, shabby chic, vintage, or country? Well lets find out. First lets talk those solid pieces. This is always a safe go to option. It is clean, modern, safe and will go with just about any style in your home. This dresser was the first thing I ever painted. It was for my little man and we are still so in love with it. I did it a solid color a. because that is all I knew how to do at the time b. the color was so bright it didn't need anything else c. I wanted to really draw the eye to the amazing rope pulls. I loved the way this turned out and it was the quickest and easiest way to go.
The next option is to sand your piece. Making it look worn and a little rustic. It is that shabby chic look. I did this to our two dressers in our master bedroom and it was the perfect style I was going for in there. We are still working on our room makeover but the old rustic meet modern is what we are going for. I loved sanding this piece down because it really brought out the character and the pretty dark wood behind the white.
Why would I want to glaze vs. sanding. They are very similar style but can also be very different looking. They are both meant to bring out the detail in your pieces but bring a different feel to the room. The sanding like I said is more rustic and morn down, where as the glazing is more antique and cleaner. Both very fun options. I actually did the glazing to my nightstands in my room so I did a little glazing on the smaller pieces and sanding on my big dressers.
Staining your wood furniture is not completely out. There is a time and place for it. When the wood is beautiful and the design is not outdated stain that piece and show it off. The piece that I recently stained in my house was part of my kitchen table. I love the two toned country look of mixing paint with stain and my table needed a little love anyway. Brings out the beautiful wood but is still updated and right on trend.
Whitewashing is not very common and I do not recommend it a lot but sometimes it is really fun. I did the whitewash technique on my headboard which I feel was perfect for the style since it was made from pallets. A floating shelf or a book shelf are other really fun options to whitewash.
It is important to know what paint you want and what style of furniture you are going for before you go out and buy all the supplies and get started. What is your style? the style of your home? the feel you are going for in that room? etc. Ask yourself these questions. Look on pinterest or at my pictures on my slides for guidance and inspiration.
Stay tuned for part 3...Supplies you will need and why I love the products I love!!! Do not miss this next post it has some really important supplies and tips you will need. And don't forget to PIN this sucker as well as the
rest of the series for the full class.
Happy learning!
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