Leggings: Agnes and Dora Solid Fleece Lined // Shirt: Francescas Collections //
Boot Socks: Pick Your Plum // Boots: LEI // Hat: Target
Sometimes I like to pretend I am a cowgirl! Besides the fact that I have never lived or worked on a farm, have never ridden a horse, and have no idea how to lasso, I totally am. Lol so I am not but I do love country music, I have always wanted to live in a small town that everyone knows each others business, I like rustic design, I love tractor rides and big trucks and I really like cowboy hats and boots. I also really hope to ride a horse one day. I want to have a cabin to escape to, to ride horses, to sit in a rocking chair on the porch and watch the sunset and to watch my kids and grand kids grow. I may not be a cowgirl but I am a country loving girl that is for sure. I love the wide open spaces, I love embracing the beauty that surrounds us, and I just can't help it country music is my jam. How can you not like country. The stories, the music and the heart that goes into those lyrics. I feel like I am watching the whole story play out as the song plays on the radio, on a warm summer day, with the sunroof open and my sunglasses on. Country music makes me feel, gets me thinking and gives me hope. I am even one of those crazies that like to workout to country. It soothes me, it pumps me up and it makes me think. So deep down, in my heart, in my past life...or maybe just in my dreams I am a cowgirl at least for the day.
Now let's see your leggings! What are your favorite? How do you style them? I want to see!!! Take a picture post it on Instagram and then tag me @whitneyulrich and hashtag #30daysofleggings remember if you use the hashtag you are entered into the giveaway happening at the end of the series.
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