So we've been excited this week because we both got new phones! :) I was up for an upgrade on my line so we went to the Verizon store here where my friend works and picked out the new Dare. It's all touch screen, which has taken some getting used to but I love it now. I've been having fun figuring out all the new little features, the most useless of which is that it will read my text messages to me! Totally useless, but cool. Anywho, Whit isn't up for an upgrade til January but her Razor has been giving her problems for a long time now and she really needed a new phone, so we went on Ebay and found a good deal on a new Chocolate, so that will last her til her real upgrade at which point we'll probably just sell the one she got this week. She is way excited for her new cute phone. And it was the first time we had ever bid in an Ebay auction, which is quite exhilarating! So I know it's random that we're blogging about our phones, but we love them and thought it was worth blogging about!

Another note... Whit is almost done with her online chemistry class and I am so freaking proud of her! Her final is tomorrow and she has been doing awesome so far. Her two tests she has gotten a 98 and a 94, she's doing so good! Anyway, I just thought I'd brag about how smart my wife is, she has totally taught herself the basics of chemistry from a book and online notes! I'm so proud of you honey!
Hi Whitney! It was fun to sit by you and get to know you a little better in RS. I can understand the excitement over new phones. It seems like cell phones become sooooo outdated by the time the upgrade comes around.