Necklace: American Eagle // Cuff: One Little Momma
What does Easter mean to you? Does it mean candy, egg hunts, family time, Christ? To me? To me it means Christ. It means thinking about what Christ has done for me and for everyone on this earth. For his sacrifice and for his love for each of us. Easter to me is about Christ's resurrection. About him dying for each of us so that we can return to him. It is about the atonement. It is about feeling loved, and knowing that I am truly never ever be alone. He not only knows exactly what I am going through but has lived it, and felt it. He understands. He is the one who can get me through anything, and gives me the strength to keep on going when it gets tough. He is the reason for Easter. So today I will get my sweet little family all dressed up in our Sunday best and we will go to church to worship and remember him.
Easter also means family time. Time to be together, to celebrate together, to have fun together, traditions and creating fun memories. So as well as worshiping Christ we will be finding Easter eggs, colors eggs, spending time together, going through our Easter baskets full of goodies, laughing, talking, having family dinner at grandma and grandpas, and making lots and lots of memories. So to you I say Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Give your families Lots of love, have fun and remember HIM!
Now let's see your leggings! What are your favorite? How do you style them? I want to see!!! Take a picture post it on Instagram and then tag me @whitneyulrich and hashtag #30daysofleggings remember if you use the hashtag you are entered into the giveaway happening at the end of the series.
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