I am not a rain lover. I never really have been, except the occasional warm summer rain or a night rain. I am not however a fan of the rain in the middle of the day. I don't find it fun to get sopping wet while walking from my car to the store, and my eye sight is terrible when the lights reflect off the wet ground. I love the sunshine. I am a sunshine/ summer, I like it hot, type of girl. I like to be outside. I know blah blah I don't like rain most of the time. But this day. This day I enjoyed the rain. I enjoyed it because it didn't rain all day. It was just enough to enjoy, to soak it up, to find its beauty, to wash away the gunk in the air but not too much that it seemed to run the entire day. So this day...This day I decided to enjoy the rain. I took my shoes off and I jumped in a puddle, I jumped with an umbrella and it was FUN! The rain and humidity also loosened my curls just enough that it seemed to be a really good hair day...thank you rain a girl can never thank enough for a good hair day...am I right?!
So why this day? Why did I enjoy the rain this time? Well it was because of an amazing talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf last weekend during the LDS general conference. Do you ever feel like a talk in church, in general conference or just something said or wrote is meant specifically for you, like those apostles and Christ are speaking right into your heart? This is how I felt that Sunday morning and I am so grateful for that. I needed it, I wanted it and I am going to live it. I love what general conference does, how it uplifts and gives us just what we need to keep on going, to be the people we are meant to be and to reach our true potential in all aspects of our lives. These words I have heard before but I needed the reminder at this time.
His talk was about being grateful but it wasn't talking about being grateful after you have gone through a trial and then all way good and you learned the lesson you needed to learn, no, it was about being grateful everyday, it was about finding a way to be grateful during the trial or harder time. Gratitude should be a way of life, not just something we think about after sorrow or during thanksgiving and the holiday seasons. Gratitude will bring us joy and happiness, it will help us focus on the good in life. We can choose to be grateful no matter what. The choice is ours, we can choose to live in sorrow and focus on what we lack or we can choose to focus on what we do have and the blessings we have received. We need to enjoy the rain, not just the rainbow at the end. Keep a grateful heart and you will have joy in your heart.
Like I said this is just what I needed to hear right now in my life. It was meant for me as I am sure it spoke to many others hearts. It was no mistake that even though I slept in I just happened to wake up and turn on the TV just as this talk was starting...not a mistake, not a coincidence, no, it was for me. And for that I am thankful.
Now I hope you all live your life in gratitude
Enjoy this Monday
Smile and be happy
Now let's see your leggings! What are your favorite? How do you style them? I want to see!!! Take a picture post it on Instagram and then tag me @whitneyulrich and hashtag #30daysofleggings remember if you use the hashtag you are entered into the giveaway happening at the end of the series.
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I think you must be neighbors with my brother. Do you know the Scorup family? That looks just like their neighborhood loop.