We made our way back down to St.George again. I have a feeling we will be down there a lot now. I just love visiting that family :) WE took the kiddos swimming at there pool in their neighborhood. We had so much fun we lost track of time and figured we swam for 2 hours. There is never a dole moment with Oakers and Con I can tell you that much they are an entertaining pair I think they get that from their mom and dad.

Oaklyn is all ready to go floaties, goggles, and snorkel. Isn't her swim suit darling?

The boys. Con loved it when Ty wold throw him up in the air and he would land back in the water with his tube still around him. As soon as he hit the water he would yell "Again, Again!" When it comes to Ty and the kiddos Again is their favorite word.

Oaklyn wanted to play the throwing up in the air game too! So the girls tried it we had just as much fun.

Londers Bunders is the cutest little thing I just wanted to squish her cute little chubby cheeks and take her home with me.

I'm telling you this girl is a absolute doll. I'm not going to lie Londyn makes me so baby hungry :D Especially for a little blondie girlie I hope Ty and I have kids as cute as her

Aren't they such a cute and fun bunch.

She loves to stand. She is so daring I think she will be attempting to walk in no time.

Me and my little buddy.
We got to spend nine hours with them all. After we went swimming we just hung out for a while and then we got to watch Oakers, Con and Lond while Dan and Brooke went to dinner with some friends and we got to play and eat pizza! Thank you guys for such a fun day and thank you for letting us visit you all the time. Thank you Brooke for the clothes I love them.
You're welcome sis. Thanks again for watching them for us. It was fun to get out of the house for a little while. Thanks again, and come ANY time.