Monday, August 12, 2013

Crossfit {Week One}

You bet I am digging deep and I am finally in the crossfit world. . I have been wanting to do Crossfit for years,  since I first saw the crossfit games back in 2008, But with the hubby being in Law school a membership to a crossfit gym just wasn't in the budget. I knew I couldn't do it for a while, but my love for fitness did not falter I got a gym membership to planet fitness and I worked out and really got into running, I even just finished my first Ragnar this year, that you can read about here, and I will be participating in the Vegas one this year as well{Saints and sinners metal baby}.  I knew one day my dream of doing crossfit would come true! Being a gymnast for most of my life and the types of conditioning this entails I just knew this was the program for me I just needed the means and the proper training to do it.

Ok now fast forward to summer of 2013. I hadn't forgotten about crossfit and I had tried to do some modified workouts here and there. It wasn't the same, but I knew with hubby finshing up school, and getting into the job market maybe I could join a gym by the end of the year. Then the move happened. We needed to move due to being kicked out of the basement apartment we were living in before. I got talking to my two brothers and they were needing a place and were probably going to find a place together. Then just jokingly I said we should all get a place together. Well, long story short, we are now renting a four bedroom house with my brothers. It is beautiful and we love the set up.

Meet Adam. He is my tough little brother, roommate, and new Crossfit trainer
Photo credit: USA Gymnastics 

Now the reason I am telling you all this is because it gets me to where I am now with how we are doing Crossfit. My little brother, Adam,  has been doing crossfit for a bit {he is also a gymnastics coach} and was about to get his certification to become a legit crossfit trainer. Well, then he moved and was too far to go to that gym anymore to make it worth it and he knew that I wanted to do it and Ty did too. So he came up with a plan to make our garage into a crossfit gym. What?! I was so excited. It is going to take some time to get everything we want but we have only been in the house just over a month and are getting a lot of the equipment and have already started. Adam is also going to be doing his certification course soon and we will be making our #crossfitgaragegym into a Crossfit affliate, meaning that we will be considered a legit gym and can enter competitions and such. Sweet right. I am loving this so far.Now please note I would not recommend going out and buying all of this expensive equipment without any trainer or a proper trainer to help you out. These are some serious lifts and workouts and we all want to be safe

So now that I have told you I want to do crossfit and how I am going to,  what is crossfit?  CrossFit is a cross between all forms of fitness training: Military style training, weight lifting, power lifting, running, rowing, gymnastics, and everything else. Unlike most workout programs it’s not just about getting bigger muscles or losing weight .CrossFit is about comprehensive fitness: increasing your strength, endurance, flexibility, power, speed, balance, and coordination. It is not isolated. If you want to get stronger you will. If you want to lose weight you will.
CrossFit workouts focus on functional movements using multiple muscle groups and they employ nearly every compound exercise on the planet: Pushups, pull-ups, dips, sit-ups, sprints, hurdles, box jumps, bench press, squat, snatch, power cleans, dead lift, kettle bells, and a bunch of other ones with names you may not recognize like: Turkish get-ups, burpees, pistols, and deadbugs.

"The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. The same routines for are used for elderly individuals with heart disease and top athletes. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.”

What we have so far is a mat {old gymnastics mat which will later be replaced with some rubber mats}, Rogue bumper weights {10, 15, 25, 45lbs}, a Rogue olympic size bar {45 lbs}, PVC pipe for drills and stretches, Rogue jump ropes, stretching balls,  and muscles rollers.

We love the Rogue brand {official crossfit games brand}, and although it will take a little longer to get all the equipment because of the price the quality is so worth it.

On our list: Rubber mats, a cage, kettle bells, a wall ball,  pull up bar, rings, boxes, rope,  more weights, another bar, and a rower.

The first two days we started out with this tiny board for our warmup, skill, WOD and keeping track of our PRs, and realized quickly that just wasn't going to do so we headed out to home depot and got this huge 8 by 4 feet white board that I have some really fun plans for to come. Don't worry I will be sharing the fun white board on my crossfit up date posts along with a better look at our garage gym set up once it gets more organized.

Tank: BYU Old Navy  Capris: Target  Sports Bra:Nike  Shoes: Nike

Day one was last Tuesday, August 6th after we had gotten some of our equipment in.  If you all know me you know that I am not a morning person and that I am a night exerciser, well that changed this last week and I can report I am surviving. So I am pretty proud of that all in itself. The first day was crazy trying to learn a clean and jerk for the first time was really funny, but I am really getting the hang of it throughout the week and getting better on my weightlifting form each day. It was a tough workout, but I felt so good after, well until I couldn't walk a couple hours later that is.

Tank: Albion Fit  Shorts: Michaels  Sports Bra: Nike  Shoes: Nike 

The rest of the week went really well. I am improving each day and each day is something new that I am learning about. This program pushes me like I haven't been pushed since I was in gymnastics. I love feeling that again. I love the challenge, feeling strong, and the accomplishment of getting through something you didn't think you could.  I still have a lot to learn, and I am sore beyond belief, but I am getting up at 5:45 am 4 times a week and I am pushing myself. I have to tell you once you start, even though you want to die during your WOD {work out of the day},  it is so addicting. I was not feeling well on Friday morning so I slept through the session, but Ty and Adam still did it. Later on I was feeling better and hearing Ty talk about the workout made me so sad I missed it, so during nap time I got all my gear on and got to work on the WOD for that day I was so happy I pushed through that day even though it was rough.

First Rip since my gymnastics days 8 years ago. Oh it brings back memories.

Fitness has always been a huge part of my life and a passion of mine down to my major in college, and for that reason I am always looking for a great way to keep fitness exciting and I love to find out what all is out there. I am really excited about this new journey I am going to be taking through crossfit. I am loving it so far and cannot wait to see all of the improvement, strength and confidence that comes from it all . I am going to be making a series out of this and keep you updated on our crossfit garage gym,  along with my improvements and experiences, so look forward to those posts once or twice a month for a while.The reason I want to bring you along with me on this journey is so that if you are thinking about doing crossfit you can have all your questions answered and you can get the inspiration to start. If you have any crossfit question you would like me to address in my future posts please email them to me @

I survived my first week! Would you do Crossfit?

Need some Health and Fitness Ideas check out my series 
31 days of health and fitness from last October 

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  1. Dude, you are like hard core. I would most likely die. Just sayin.

    1. Thank you so much! It is rough but a lot of it is stuff I used to do in gymnastics so that stuff is coming back to me but also a lot of it is new and it is fun to learn and push myself. You would be awesome Jonie!!! Anyone can do it, it is tough but if you put your mind to it you can.

  2. You are amazing and awesome and I will continue to watch your journey from the couch.... with potato chips. :)

    1. Haha thank you for making my day you are so sweet, cute and funny. I like potato chips too :)

  3. Wow! That is pretty amazing dedication! 5:45am?! Keep it up and good luck!
    The only tip I can give you (as a jeweler's daughter) is please please PLEASE make sure you take off your wedding ring before you lift! The compression will destroy the gold and losen your stones!
    Let us know how it goes :)



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