It is no secret that October is my favorite month. I love the fall crisp air, the boots, the sweaters, my birthday, pumpkins, and of course Halloween. I have always loved Halloween, but now that I have kids I love it even more. The festivities leading up to it, the pumpkin patches, and corn mazes, the dressing up, the countdowns and of course watching them so so excited to knock on each door and show off their costume while saying in their small voices trick or treat, holding out their pumpkin bucket in their tiny little hands. Watching my kids enjoying themselves just melts this mama bear's heart!
Maddux started off our Halloween week with his little preschool party on Tuesday. He got to dress up and he was so excited to show off his costume to Mrs.Vanessa and his little friends. I made their little shells to add to the costume. Maddux really wanted to be a ninja turtle this year but he was not stopping there he insisted that we needed to be a family of ninja turtles which was perfect for our little family of four.
Next we picked Maddux up and headed to the pumpkin patch as a family. It was a nice quiet Tuesday afternoon and we just got to enjoy each other. Maddux lead us through the kids corn maze, we all played on the old tractors, and then we got our wheel barrels and walked the patch. The crop struggled a little this year and since we came a little late the pickins were pretty slim and there were a lot of pumpkins that were struggling, so we got a few smaller decorative pumpkins, and some corn stalks for me to use for my fall decor. After we had our fun we headed to Walmart to get the big pumpkins to carve, they had perfect ones and they were half off.
After some much needed naptime we were off to Ty's aunts house for some soup and pumpkin carving goodness.
We were able to each carve 2 that night and each carved two more on Wednesday night. In the 6 years that we have been married we have grown to love carving pumpkins. It is more than just a face on a pumpkin now, we want to go big or go home and we are getting better each year. This year I even took a crack at some shaving. Thanks to Ty's brother Dan and our sister in law Brooke for showing us the way and getting us addicted to this fun activity.
We got them done just in time to be able to display them on Halloween and they fit perfectly on our long front porch in a line. The neighbors and kids loved them.
Halloween night was full of my boys perfect laughter, running in pure joy, smiles, and lots of candy. While we waited for Ty to come home Maddux and I passed out candy to the early trick or treaters, then we had a pizza with the pepperonis in the shape of a jack o lantern face for dinner {tradition each year}. After our boys tummys were full and they were about to run out the door we finally went out around our cute little neighborhood and did some trick or treating.
We got home after the boys were tired and had full buckets, we packed up the car and the pumpkins and headed to Ty's parents house. We hung out, talked, displayed our pumpkins with theirs, did some trick or treating at some friends and family around their house and the kids got hopped up on candy.
On our drive home the boys were out like a light and it is safe to say they had the times of their life.
I hope you all had a happy Halloween and are looking forward to giving thanks and a lot of family time.
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