Welcome back to MOVE IT MONDAY. Sorry it has been a couple of weeks since I have posted a workout because it has been really crazy around these parts. Post coming soon explaining my crazy life these days. But I am back this Monday with a fabulous outside workout that you can bring your kids along with. Last Move it Monday I shared with you a workout on the bleachers you can find the whole workout and explanation HERE you can also find the first workout in the park HERE and an introduction to the series HERE, you can also find all of my other workouts I have shared on the blog since Last year through the search box on the side or the links I provide at the bottom of this post. Today's Move it Monday we are moving over to the High School track and field. This is another great free place that you can get your workout on and an amazing sweat in. Grab your friends, your hubby or go all by yourself for some great therapeutic you time all of us need every once in a while.
Let's take a closer look at each exercise before we get started....
Tank: Victoria Secrets || Shorts: Scheels || Shoes: Reebok Nanos ||Sports Bra: Jane || Bracelet: Crossfit Kimokeo
Running/jogging is always a great way to get the body warmed up and ready to go. It gets your heart rate going, your body warm and your blood flow going! This week in the warm up the running is a 30 yard shuttle run You will be on the football field for this one. Start at the end of the field run to the 10 yard line, back to the starting point, then run to the 20 yard line, back to the starting line, then run to the 30 yard line and then back to the starting line.
Inch Worm Push ups You will start with your legs apart and your hands touching the ground in front of you then you will walk your hand out until you are in a plank push up position, you will do a full push up with your chest touching the ground, back to the plank push up position, then move your hand back to your feet. Then repeat.
Samson Stretch this is like a front lunge the only difference is you will have your arms above your head and you will keep your chest up stretching back. do 5 on each leg
A TABATA is a short 4 minute workout of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest and repeat until the 8 rounds are up. This can be any skill you are wanting to work on. If you are doing two skills you will do 4 minutes of one and then 4 minutes of the other. For this workout we are just working on one.
Pistol Squats- Pistol Squats are a one leg squat. This requires a lot of balance, core strength and practice. You will balance on one leg squat down until your hip crease it below your knee and then you will stand back up on that one leg, then you will alternate legs until the time is up. Like I said these take a lot of practice if you cannot yet do these you can do then with a bench.
Pistol squats using a bench- These are a one leg squat. Balance on one leg squat down until your bum touches the bench then stand back up pressing on that one leg and then alternate legs until the time is up. This will help you build the leg strength, work on the balance and get the feel for the unassisted pistols.
Run for 400 meters- This is once around the track
25 Hand Release Pushups- on your hands and toes, core tight bum tucked under and hips in a line. Go down to chest on the ground, then you are going to pick your hands up off the ground, put them back on the ground and push back up. Make sure your elbow are tucked into your sides as you bend them and not out to the sides. You want your elbow pointing back.
Run for 200 meters- because it is a shorter distance you want this to be pretty fast pace. This is half way around the track
25 Air Squats- Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Before you do the squat it is important that when you are squatting down to keep your torso vertical, your weight on your heels, knees push out- tracking over the feet. Then when you squat down you will keep your eyes forward and slightly up, your arms out for balance, and squat down until the crease of your hips are at or below your knee, core tight, keeping a good lumbar curve and chest up, then stand back up and repeat.
Run for 100 meters- This is even shorter distance so this one should be a sprint. This is only 1/4 of the track.
25 burpees- start in a standing position, bend down to a squat with your hands on the ground, push your feet back into a push up position, go down into a push up, come back up to push up top position, bring your legs back into the squat and stand straight up. Repeat 25 times.
After the Burpees you are past half way, then you will just finish the workout with 100 m run, 25 more air squats, 200 m run, 25 more hand release push ups and then ending with a 400 m run.
Let me know what you think of this workout. I can't wait to hear how you did. And make sure to pin it so you can find it easily in your files.
Come on this journey with me and better yourself, your body and your mind. Stay active and trust me this is only going to better your life by bringing fitness into it. I will see you again next week with my next "MOVE IT MONDAY" Next week we will be somewhere new.... Until then you can check out some of my other at home workouts HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
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So stinkin' motivational! Seriously, you rock these workouts.