Welcome back to MOVE IT MONDAY. Its a new year and yes one of my goals is to be a better blogger. So HERE we go! Over Christmas break my family and I were lucky enough to run away to California for a week to visit family, have some fun and even relax a little bit. Although I did not do as well as I would have liked about working out while I was away, I needed the break, I was able to squeeze in some activity on the beach and a little workout in my sister's beautiful Temecula backyard, complete with palm trees, Christmas lights, a pool and hot tub. Yes, it was as magical as it sounds. Yes, I felt spoiled. No, I did not want to come home. Can I go back to Cali please!
Next time I will do a little better about getting in my fitness even if its early in the morning so I still have time for all the fun. This workout I did is great to do while you are away on your trip, or you can do it at your own home, it is all body weight movements and the only equipment needed is a jump rope. I am telling you if you are working out at home you should for sure invest in a jump rope.
Also with it being a new year, fitness goals almost always make their appearance into our lists and journals. We always have good intentions but they seem to fade. Your health and your fitness should be a priority not just a goal you write down on a piece of paper at the beginning of the new year. Physical activity and eating well are lifestyles, they should be never ending and apart of your daily activities. Your health is important and it is important to find time to get that workout in at least 3 times a week. To find some of my previous at home/out side work outs you can find them HERE HERE, HERE , HERE, HERE and an introduction to the series HERE, you can also find all of my other workouts I have shared on the blog since Last year through the search box on the side or the links I provide at the bottom of this post. I cannot wait to share with you all of my workouts and recipes to help you to be a better you. This year is going to be a great one. Lets get healthy and crush some goals together. Remember you can always email me with suggestions or questions at wjwiki07@hotmail.com Now lets finally get to this workout shall we!!!
Let's take a closer look at each exercise and break it all down before we get started....
Warm up! It is important! Don't skip it and do it all! Its like breakfast it should not be skipped, it should be taken seriously and it should be done well, because it prepares you for the rest of the workout.
Double Unders- A double under is just what is sounds like the rope will go around twice in the amount of time that you jump and your feet hit back to the ground. This is obviously a quick movement and is amazing cardio. Do you remember doing these in elementary school during recess? Yeah well now we are old and they are a lot trickier lol I learned that the hard way. Double unders get some getting used to it is all about the timing, work on them, practice and while you are working on them you can substitute double the amount of single jump ropes until you get them down. If you are substituting single jumps for double unders make sure to double the amount of reps so in the warm up you would do 200 singles in the workout you would do 100-80-60-40-20
Pass thrus. You will want a wide grip on the PVC/stick raising it above your head keeping your arms straight pass through to behind you, rotating your shoulders, then still keeping your arms straight you will pass back up to over head and back down to your hips. Repeat until you have done twenty.
Air Squats- Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Before you do the squat it is important that when you are squatting down to keep your torso vertical, your weight on your heels, knees push out- tracking over the feet. Then when you squat down you will keep your eyes forward and slightly up, your arms out for balance, and squat down until the crease of your hips are at or below your knee, keeping a good lumbar curve and chest up, then stand back up and repeat.
Inch Worm Push ups You will start with your legs apart and your hands touching the ground in front of you then you will walk your hand out until you are in a plank push up position, you will do a full push up with your chest touching the ground, back to the plank push up position, then move your hand back to your feet. Then repeat.
Dips- Go over to an elevated surface, walk your feet out bend your knees then keeping your hips up and your abs tight bend your arms down into a dip. Elbows back until you reach 90 degrees and straighten arms back up, repeat.
Samson Stretch this is like a front lunge the only difference is you will have your arms above your head and you will keep your chest up stretching back. do 5 on each leg
Toe Touch Walk- This is just as it sounds each time you take a step you are going to kick your leg up and touch your toes with the opposite hand, then you will do the next leg and go on with each step doing 10 on each leg. 20 total kicks.
This workout is 5 rounds with the rep scheme going down each round, you will do the same four movements each round they will just be less reps. The reps are 50-40-30-20-10 of each movement. This is a 20-30 minute workout after the warm up so make sure to plan accordingly. Now pull up your hair, tie up those laces, pick out a good music mix and lets go! This is the perfect workout to do today to get your week started off right.
The first movement you will do each round is double unders. See the warm up for explanation. Remember you will double the amount of reps if you are doing single jumps so 100-80-60-40-20 the rest of the movements will still be the 50-40-30-20-10.
Tank & Bra in one: Lulu Lemon || Shorts: Nike || Shoes: Reebok Nano 4.0 || Knee Sleeves: Exo Sleeves || Wrist supports: Rogue || Sweats: Reebok || Swimming suit: Albion Fit || Facility: Home in Temecula, Ca || Photo Credit: Tyler Ulrich
Push ups- On your hands and toes, core tight bum tucked under and hips in a line. Go down to chest on the ground and push back up. Make sure your elbow are tucked into your sides as you bend them and not out to the sides. You want your elbow pointing back.
Air Squats- Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Before you do the squat it is important that when you are squatting down to keep your torso vertical, your weight on your heels, knees push out- tracking over the feet. Then when you squat down you will keep your eyes forward and slightly up, your arms out for balance, and squat down until the crease of your hips are at or below your knee, keeping a good lumbar curve and chest up, then stand back up and repeat.
Sit ups- This is pretty much just like any other sit up but you are going to bend your knees, open your hips and put the bottoms of your feet together in a butterfly position like the picture above then you will proceed with the sit up until you touch the ground in front of your toes. Lay back and bring yours arms above your head, then using your abs and pulling your back down to the mat sit up, lay back down and repeat.
Make sure to come and check out more of my At home workouts
and don't forget to check out my blog each Monday for a motivational/workout Fitness post.
and don't forget to check out my blog each Monday for a motivational/workout Fitness post.
I would love to have you follow me on Instagram
to see all my fun pics, my real life, fitness, fashion ideas
and sneak peaks of what I've been working on
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Nice, just keep fit is important, I will also want to lose fat.
I like your series of Workout of the Day! It helps to have idea and pictures so we can follow along. Keeup the the great work, thank you so much for sharing!