Hoodie: Orangeowl Clothing
Leggings: Target
Slippers: Aeropostale
Its Monday ya'll. How do you all view Mondays? It kinda depends on the stage of life I am in. In school I hated Mondays because well the weekend was over and the school week started all over...Monday is so far from Friday. When I was working and had random schedules including weekends Monday was just another day. As a stay at home mom Mondays can go either way. I try to look at them as a fresh start. It helps me a little bit. Because for me Mondays are quite busy these days. I feel like I have to look at them as a fresh start to the week instead of dread them thinking how far from the weekend they are, because the more we think positively the happier we are. To be real it doesn't always work but it is worth it for when it does.
My Mondays start early getting me and the boys ready for the day, usually in a rush because this mama likes sleep so I usually sleep until the very last minute I can and still get out the door in time. I drop Maddux off at a friends house at 8:45 and she takes him to Preschool with her daughter at 9 because I have to be to work at 9, 15 minutes away. So after I drop maddux off, me and Holden head to the gym and I work in the daycare from 9-10. I try to get in a little mini training session in at the gym sometimes by myself sometimes with friends after daycare, usually just rowing or something, because then I have to go and pick Maddux up from school at 11 and then get back to the gym to be able to do the 11:30 class. I do the class and then usually do some mobility or something after. Then I get the boys home, we play for a little bit, eat lunch and then it is their nap time. During nap time now it is time for me to hurry and scarf down lunch so that I can get the weekly cleaning and laundry done before the kids wake up. Once its all done, the boys wake up, we go and pick Ty up from the train station, then make and eat dinner. The rest of the night we try to just hang out as a family. Crazy day that when I think about how busy and go go it is can exhaust me before it even happens, or I can try to look at them as the perfect start to a week, getting my cleaning and laundry done and out of the way so I can enjoy my clean home the rest of the week. So here is to Monday. Crazy busy and all. The more productive I am at the beginning of the week the more productive I am the rest of the week.
What does your Monday consist of?
Now lets talk about this amazing hoodie from Orange Owl Clothing for a minute. Can you believe that it is handmade. Each and every hoodie she makes is unique because they are handmade. I love this so much. Each time I wear it I reflect on the hard work that was put into it, not to mention how incredibly warm and comfortable it is. This is probably the softest hoodie I have ever owned. I also love it compared to other hoodies I own because of how it fits. It is fitted to a womens' body but still comfortable. It is also long and the arms are long which I love. This is perfect for the bitter cold weather we have been having, and a great gift idea for the holidays coming up.
You can find and order your handmade hoodie from Orange Owl clothing at www.orangeowldesigns.bigcartel.com make sure to check out all the fun and unique designs. You can also follow their instagram @orangeowlclothing Carly is also so kind that she is giving my readers a coupon code to get 15% off of your order. Just use the code YELLOW to get the discount by Novemeber 22nd.
Now If you need me I will be snuggled in this outfit on my couch sipping hot coco and watching some Nexflix in my clean home, with the laundry put away, my babies asleep and feeling accomplished today after a crazy but productive day.
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Mondays are crazy. Absolutely LOVE the hoodie!! You are adorable.