Welcome back to MOVE IT MONDAY. It has been a couple months since my last workout post, which I apologize for, but this one is worth the wait. Things get crazy as soon as the holidays start as I am sure all you busy people know. I really want to get you some workouts you can do at home or while you are out of town while the crazy busy holidays come up. Your health is important and it is important to find time to get that workout in at least 3 times a week. To find some of my previous at home/out side work outs you can find them HERE HERE, HERE , HERE and an introduction to the series HERE, you can also find all of my other workouts I have shared on the blog since Last year through the search box on the side or the links I provide at the bottom of this post.
For this workout we are headed to the football stadium and track but you can also do all of this at your home or a club gym with small modifications. We recently moved back to my home town a couple months ago and so naturally I headed to my old stomping grounds, Layton High School, for a nice little workout session. It is super close to my home, it is a nice facility, its free and always open and my boys like to play there along side of me. The weirdest part about this workout was that I hadn't worked out at that stadium for ten years back when I was running track as a Lancer. Crazy how time flies and all of a sudden we are grown ups and looking at those students like they look like babies. ten years people! My ten year reunion is coming up! Im not sure how I feel about this. Anyway off of that whole Im getting old thing for a moment lets talk about this fun little workout I put together for you guys because I love you and its good for you! You can thank me after, its fine!
Let's take a closer look at each exercise and break it all down before we get started....
Warm up! It is important! Don't skip it and do it all! Its like breakfast it should not be skipped, it should be taken seriously and it should be done well, because it prepares you for the rest of the workout.
Run 400 m- Running/jogging is always a great way to get the body warmed up and ready to go. It gets your heart rate going, your body warm and your blood flow going! This week in the warm up the running is a 400 m run which is a quarter mile or once around the track if you have access to one.

Pass thrus. You will want a wide grip on the PVC/stick raising it above your head keeping your arms straight pass through to behind you, rotating your shoulders, then still keeping your arms straight you will pass back up to over head and back down to your hips. Repeat until you have done fifteen.
Jumping Squat- Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Before you do the squat it is important that when you are squatting down to keep your torso vertical, your weight on your heels, knees push out- tracking over the feet. Then when you squat down you will keep your eyes forward and slightly up, your arms out for balance, and squat down until the crease of your hips are at or below your knee, squeeze your abs in, keeping a good lumbar curve and chest up, then stand back up and jump and repeat.
Inch Worm Push ups You will start with your legs apart and your hands touching the ground in front of you then you will walk your hand out until you are in a plank push up position, you will do a full push up with your chest touching the ground, back to the plank push up position, then move your hand back to your feet. Then repeat.
A TABATA is a short 4 minute workout of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest and repeat until the 8 rounds are up. This can be any skill you are wanting to work on. If you are doing two skills you will do 4 minutes of one and then 4 minutes of the other. For this workout we are just working on one.
Over Head Squats- Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hold the PVC pipe or broom stick above your head, arms wide and locked out with your elbows pointing downward. Before you do the squat it is important that when you are squatting down to keep your torso vertical, your weight on your heels, knees push out- tracking over the feet. Then when you squat down you will keep your eyes forward and slightly up, your arms out for balance, and squat down until the crease of your hips are at or below your knee, core tight, keeping a good lumbar curve and chest up, then stand back up and repeat.
You will do as many over head squats as you can in the 20 seconds, then rest ten seconds and repeat until you get to 4 minutes.
Shirt: Lulu Lemon || Leggings: Lulu Lemon || Shoes: Reebok Nano 2 || Beanie: Forever 21 || Jacket: Target || Facility: Layton High School || Photo Credit: Tyler Ulrich
20 minute AMRAP- This means that you are going to do as many rounds as possible in the 20 minute time frame. So just keep going through all the exercises over and over in order until the 20 minutes is up and make sure to count your rounds.
Run for 200 meters- just run the 100 straight meters down and back equalling 200 then you will be in a good spot to do the rest of your exercises.

10 Push ups- On your hands and toes, core tight bum tucked under and hips in a line. Go down to chest on the ground and push back up. Make sure your elbow are tucked into your sides as you bend them and not out to the sides. You want your elbow pointing back.
20 Step ups- You will simply find a bench, a step, or anything elevated. Start straight up, step up with one leg onto the bench while bringing the other leg along and standing straight up on the bench, step down and repeat on each leg.
10 Dips- Go over to an elevated surface of the bleacher seats, walk your feet out bend your knees then keeping your hips up and your abs tight bend your arms down into a dip. Elbows back until you reach 90 degrees and straighten arms back up, repeat.
20 lunge- Start straight up then go down into a lunge with your chest up, your knees bent to a 90 degree angle and your hips and shoulders in a straight line, then push back up to a standing position, switch to the other leg and then repeat.
10 Burpees- Start in a standing position, bend down to a squat with your hands on the ground, push your feet back into a push up position, go down into a push up, come back up to push up top position, bring your legs back into the squat and stand straight up with a jump and hands over head at the end.
Repeat all of the exercise in that order until you get to 20 minutes. Give yourself a goal, push yourself and get as many rounds as you can in that 20 minutes.
Make sure to come and check out more of my At home workouts
and don't forget to check out my blog each Monday for a motivational/workout Fitness post.
and don't forget to check out my blog each Monday for a motivational/workout Fitness post.
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